When we cultivate wellbeing, research suggests a number of positive outcomes, both socially and emotionally, as well as in relation to performance and productivity.

At St Hilda’s, our wellbeing approach includes:

  • A comprehensive, developmentally appropriate wellbeing curriculum.
  • Integration of wellbeing within teacher methods and practice.
  • Opportunity to practice the skills of wellbeing and build community wellbeing through the Thrive Connect, Thrive Succeed & Thrive Contribute programs.

GROW Program (Junior School)

Get ready, Respect, Ownership & Willingness.

We provide an enriching culture and environment that promotes wellbeing, care, efficacy and resilience. Students are encouraged to develop an appreciation of their behaviour and understand how to facilitate safe, healthy, and compassionate relationships.

Thrive Succeed

The Thrive Succeed curriculum provides students with training and time to practice strategies to support their learning and wellbeing.

Thrive Connect

House based Thrive Connect groups consist of a small number of students from each year level, who meet twice a week with their Thrive Tutor.

Thrive Contribute

Students quickly form a sense of belonging and allegiance to their House, Year Level and Co-Curricular groups. Friendly competition and a sense of fun pervades House events and supports our lively school culture.

Duke of Edinburgh

The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award is an exciting youth development program, empowering all Australians aged 14-24 to explore their full potential and find their purpose, passion and place in the world. The Award provides participants with an opportunity to get involved in something different. They will develop new skills, explore new places and meet new friends.

The Award is comprised of three levels – Bronze, Silver or Gold. Each level involves participating in an Adventurous Journey, Physical Recreation, Skills and a Voluntary Service element. Students who undertake the Award, choose their own activities and set their goals to complete their chosen Award level.

For students in Years 10 to 12, they can also earn credits towards the Queensland Certificate of Education. The Award is increasingly recognised by tertiary institutions and can even help participants secure employment.

Many of the Award requirements can be achieved through involvement in service, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities offered at St Hilda’s.

TSS Connections

A focus for St Hilda’s School is to strengthen our connections with our brother school, The Southport School meaning that events for both parents and students are created with specific academic, sporting, or cultural purposes to help deepen our connection as a community and build shared language and vision.