The Senior School seeks to respond to students’ needs to grow and change, to become independent and develop into active and reflective participants in society.

Years 7 to 10

The Senior School curriculum aims to engage students in learning that is rigorous, active, social, flexible and meaningful. Research shows that girls’ learning is enhanced through activities that encourage cooperative learning through the discussion of problems and by working together to find a solution. The Senior School curriculum supports creativity by means of hands-on learning experiences that engage students actively and thoughtfully in the learning process.

The Senior School curriculum is student-centred and designed so that students are guided in making connections and seeing the relationships between subject areas, and applying the knowledge beyond the classroom. Independence and responsibility are emphasised as students learn to use a wide variety of technologies to enhance the acquisition, analysis, communication and presentation of information. This approach allows students to develop and reinforce learning skills in decision-making, critical thinking, problem-solving and information processing across all learning areas. Teachers emphasise active learning, using a student-centred approach and a variety of assessment techniques.

Subject Selection


All students study the same subjects with a choice of language:





The Arts (Drama, Music, Visual and Media Arts)

Technology (Coding & Digital Creation, Design & Technology, Hospitality)

Health and Physical Education

Religious Education

Languages (French/Japanese)

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Years 9 and 10

The focus of Years 9 and 10 is each girl exploring who she is as an individual, so that over the next two years she can lead others; in Year 11 by leading the cohort and in Year 12 being the leaders of the school. As young women, we want each girl to develop her confidence, find her voice, discover what it is that she is passionate about and begin to explore the world around her.

Subject Selection

Electives (Choice of 3)





Health and Physical Education

Religious Education

Electives (Choice of 3)

English Literature


Visual Art

Media Arts

Design Technology


Business, Finance & Management



Sport Science
